Hit it! Hit the back-on-track button!
Roots Reboot Weekend is a 3-day retreat for Young Adults, 18-28, in sunny southern Utah's Grand Staircase-Escalante National Recreation Area. Come experience peer connection, 1-to-1 health and wellness coaching with expert staff. Beautiful resort accommodations, incredible food and outdoor activities.

Up your game, reimagine your future!
Connection! Friends! Be unafraid to look at the challenges in your life, and feel equally supported by our top team to REALLY listen, help process and problem solve.

Find your "back-on-track" health zone!
Bored? Lonely? Depressed and Anxious? Hit your mental health reset button and spend a restorative and therapeutic weekend with a group of 8-10 peers and two dynamic and clinically trained mentors/coaches. Find your "back-on-track" health zone. *Post-retreat customized coaching package included.

*Post-retreat customized package: choose from sober coaching, educational and career reboot coaching, mental health and wellness coaching, and healthy relationship coaching.
(866) 221-1846